
Capek, Norbert

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Norbert CapekNorbert Fabian Capek (June 3, 1870-October 12, 1942), a Czechoslovak minister of extraordinary ability, after spending a few years in the United States, returned in 1921 to his native country to found and build in Prague what soon became the largest Unitarian church in the world as well as a vigorous new Unitarian movement across the land.…

Hedge, Frederic Henry

Frederic Henry Hedge
Frederic Henry Hedge

Frederic Henry Hedge (December 12, 1805-August 21, 1890) was a Unitarian minister, an early Transcendentalist leader, a historical theologian, a German scholar and translator, and a Harvard professor. Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the son of Harvard professor Levi and Mary (Kneeland) Hedge.

Relly, James

James Relly
James Relly

James Relly (c.1722-April 25, 1778) was, as a young British minister, one a sizable group of Methodist preachers, including George Whitefield and John Wesley, whose itinerant preaching initiated a sweeping revival in large parts of Great Britain during the mid-18th century.

Adam, William

William Adam (November 1, 1796-February 19, 1881), born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, began his ministry as a Baptist missionary in India. His labors in India made him into a linguist, a biblical scholar, and a Unitarian. Thereafter for years, Adam tried to elicit support for his work as a Unitarian missionary, first in India and later in the United States and Canada.…

Holden, Edith

Edith Blackwell Holden
Edith Blackwell Holden

Edith Blackwell Holden (September 26, 1871-April 6, 1920) was a British artist and art teacher, known in her time as an illustrator of children’s books. Much influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, she specialized in painting animals.

Wyeth, N. C.

N. (Newell) C. (Convers) Wyeth (October 22, 1882-October 19, 1945), is one of the most celebrated illustrators in the history of art. Best known for his book illustrations of adventure classics, his work also appeared in the Saturday Evening PostHarper’sScribner’sCollier’sCenturyOuting, and the Ladies Home Journal.…