
Bradburn, George

George Bradburn
George Bradburn

George Bradburn (March 4, 1806-July 26, 1880), antislavery politician, was a journalist, lecturer, and Unitarian minister. He was a friend and co-worker in the abolitionist cause with William Lloyd Garrison, Gerrit Smith, Frederick Douglass, Richard Hildreth, Lucretia Mott, and Lysander Spooner.

Adams, Charles Francis, Sr.

Charles Francis Adams, Sr. (August 18, 1807-November 21, 1886), a lifelong Unitarian, was an antislavery politician who later opposed radical reconstruction of the South. As ambassador to Britain during the Civil War he helped to prevent conflict between the United States and Europe.…

Alger, Horatio

Horatio Alger
Horatio Alger

Horatio Alger, Jr. (January 13, 1832-July 18, 1899), briefly a Unitarian minister, was a popular nineteenth-century author of juvenile fiction. His “rags to riches” stories portrayed poor boys in America making good.

Horatio’s parents were Olive Augusta Fenno and Horatio Alger, Sr.,

Bowditch, Nathaniel

Nathaniel BowditchNathaniel Bowditch (March 26, 1773-16 March 16, 1838), a self-taught astronomer, navigator, and business executive, was one of America’s first scientists. His enduring reputation is based on two books; the New American Practical Navigator, a manual for sailors that is still in print; and his definitive translation of French mathematician Pierre Laplace’s Méchanique céleste.…

van Loon, Hendrik Willem

Hendrik Willem van Loon
Hendrik Willem van Loon

Hendrik Willem van Loon (January 14, 1882-March 11, 1944), a Dutch-American author and illustrator, was the first winner of the Newbery Medal for The Story of Mankind. He was beloved by the public during his lifetime as an engaging, energetic interpreter of the arts and humanities.

Gammell, John


(May 16, 1836-December 15, 1913), educator and minister, was the third Unitarian minister to arrive in New Zealand. As a school inspector he influenced educational thought and policy in the Colony. As an educator he often wrote and spoke on religious issues.

Chamberlain, Neville

Neville Bowles Chamberlain
Neville Bowles Chamberlain

Field Marshal Sir Neville  Bowles Chamberlain (January 10, 1820-February 3, 1902), a significant figure in Britain’s wars on the Indian subcontinent, was the only person to have been appointed to the highest rank in the British Army while a member of a Unitarian church.

Birkhead, Leon Milton

Leon Milton Birkhead (April 28, 1885-December 1, 1954), a controversial Methodist and Unitarian minister, achieved national prominence in the 1940s as director of the Friends of Democracy in New York. From the late 1930s through the early 1950s, he battled those, on the right and the left, who spread totalitarian propaganda.…