
Mitchell, Cyprus Richard

Cyprus Richard Mitchell
Cyprus Richard Mitchell

Cyprus Richard Mitchell (April 5, 1881-January 27, 1955) was a liberal Australian minister who lived, worked, and studied in America. During the First World War, he worked in Russia for the YMCA. After starting his career with the Disciples of Christ he soon moved on more liberal congregations.

Howe, Samuel Gridley

Samuel Gridley Howe (November 10, 1801-January 9, 1876), founding director of the Perkins School for the Blind, was a leading figure in the early history of special education in the United States. He was also a military hero in the Greek War of Independence, a campaigner for the abolition of slavery, and an advocate for prison reform.…

Bentley, William

William Bentley (June 22, 1759 -December 29, 1819), the minister of the East Church in Salem, Massachusetts, was one of the first New England ministers to openly profess Unitarian beliefs. Never married, he devoted his life to his congregation and to his work as a scholar, book collector, linguist, newspaper journalist, and author.…

Foote II, Arthur W.

Arthur W. Foote II
Arthur W. Foote II

Arthur W. Foote II (January 18, 1911-December 9, 1999) was a Unitarian minister who chaired the commission that prepared the first hymnal after the Universalist and Unitarian consolidation. A humanist, he emphasized self-reflection and spirituality through the use of art, music, and poetry.

Herford, Brooke

Brooke Herford
Brooke Herford

Brooke Herford (February 21, 1830-December 21, 1903) was a Unitarian minister, noted preacher, and author, who served several important churches in Great Britain and America. In addition, he was a religious enthusiast who travelled tirelessly throughout Britain spreading with great success the Bible-based message of Unitarian Christianity.

Taesler, Clemens

Clemens Taesler
Clemens Taesler

Clemens Taeslar (June 25, 1887 – February 23, 1969), a German, was a poet, Goethe scholar, popular lecturer, and minister who embraced a liberal theology. Influenced by British and America Unitarians, he adopted the term ‘unitarian’ in the 1920s to describe his unique conception of the relationship between God and the world.

Park, Charles Edwards

Charles Edwards Park
Charles Edwards Park

Charles Edwards Park (March 14, 1873-September 20, 1962) was a Unitarian minister who served First Church in Boston, Massachusetts for forty years. One of the leading exponents of Unitarian Christianity during the first half of the twentieth century, he authored books and articles on religion, prayer, local history, and the graphic artist, Frederic Goudy.

Vogt, Von Odgen

Von Ogden Vogt (February 25, 1879-August 2, 1964), or V. Ogden Vogt as he preferred, was minister at the First Unitarian Church of Chicago for two decades, a lecturer on Religion and Fine Art at the Chicago Theological Seminary, and the author of books and articles on church art, architecture, liturgy, and worship.…

Joy, Charles Rhind

Charles Rhind Joy
Charles Rhind Joy

Charles Rhind Joy (December 5, 1885- September 26, 1978) was a Unitarian minister, American Unitarian Association official, and an international humanitarian worker affiliated with the Unitarian Service Committee, Save the Children Federation, and CARE. He wrote popular articles for magazines and authored numerous books.

Adams, Peter Charadon Brooks

Peter Charadon Brooks Adams
Peter Charadon Brooks Adams

Peter Charadon Brooks Adams (June 24, 1848-February 14,1927) was a lawyer, historian, and writer, who served as an informal adviser to President Theodore Roosevelt. Although reared Unitarian, he was agnostic for many years. Late in life he returned to the Unitarian fold at the family church in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Foote, Henry Wilder II

Henry Wilder Foote II
Henry Wilder Foote II

Henry Wilder Foote (February 2, 1875-August 27, 1964) was a Unitarian minister, scholar, teacher, and hymnologist. As Chair of a joint Universalist and Unitarian commission on hymnals, he oversaw the editorial compilation and production of Hymns of the Spirit (1937) which became the standard hymnbook used by both groups up to their 1961 consolidation.

Fritchman, Stephen Hole

Stephen Fritchman (May 12, 1902-May 30, 1981) was a Unitarian minister. During the 1940s, he was Director of Youth Work and editor of The Christian Register for the American Unitarian Association (AUA). After being ousted as editor in 1947 in a dispute over editorial supervision of the Register (The Fritchman Affair), he returned to the pulpit as minister at the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles.…