
Call, Lon Ray

Lon Ray Call (October 6, 1894-October 7, 1985) was a Unitarian minister and denomination official best known for his evangelism. Instrumental in the development of the fellowship movement, he spent much of his professional life on the move, giving sermons, organizing churches and founding lay-led fellowships.…

Jenkins, William Phillip

William Phillip Jenkins (October 28, 1911-December 13, 1985) was a Unitarian minister active in denominational leadership. He was influencial in the development of Unitarianism in Canada after World War II and active in the 1961 consolidation of the Unitarians and the Universalists.…

Beach, Seth Curtis

Seth Curtis Beach (August 8, 1837-January 30, 1932) was a Unitarian minister, author, poet and hymnist.

He was born in western New York State to Luther Markham and Angelina Elizabeth (Curtis) Beach. The family lived in a log cabin they had built on a fifty acre farm near the village of Marion, New York.…

Reeb, James Joseph

James Joseph Reeb
James Joseph Reeb

James Joseph Reeb (January 1, 1927-March 11, 1965) was a minister, social worker, and civil rights activist. His brutal murder by segregationists while participating in the second Selma to Montgomery march made him one of the martyrs of the American civil rights movement of the 1960s.

Stearns, Albert Warren

Albert Warren Stearns
Albert Warren Stearns

Albert Warren Stearns (January 26, 1885-September 24, 1959) was a medical doctor who did pioneering work in the fields of psychiatry and neurology. He also served as Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, was Dean of the Tufts College Medical School, taught sociology, and was active in his local community.

Goodloe, Don Speed Smith

Don Speed Smith Goodloe
Don Speed Smith Goodloe

Don Speed Smith Goodloe (June 2, 1878 – September 2, 1959), founding principal of what is now Bowie State University, was the first African-American graduate of Meadville Theological School, the Unitarian seminary in Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Goodloe was born in Lowell, Kentucky, in 1878.

Gonesius, Peter

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Piotr of Goniadz (c. 1525-1573), most commonly known by his Latin name Petrus Gonesius (he was also known as Giezek, Goniedz, Gomesius, Gonedzius, Gonetus, Conyza, Koninski, and Lithuanus), was a minister who contributed to the establishment of the Minor Reformed Church in Lithuania, also known as the Lithuanian Brethren, one of the earliest Unitarian denominations.…

Gonesius, Peter

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Piotr of Goniądz (c. 1525-1573), most commonly known by his Latin name Petrus Gonesius (he was also known as Giezek, Goniędz, Gomesius, Gonedzius, Gonetus, Conyza, Koniński, and Lithuanus), was a minister who contributed to the establishment of the Minor Reformed Church in Lithuania, also known as the Lithuanian Brethren, one of the earliest Unitarian denominations.…

Lee, Alfred McClung and Elizabeth Briant

Alfred McClung Lee
Elizabeth Briant Lee

Alfred McClung Lee (August 23, 1906-May 19, 1992) and Elizabeth Briant Lee (September 9, 1908-December 9, 1999) were leading 20th-century sociologists who published breakthrough studies of propaganda, race, and media. They also authored textbooks; founded two professional organizations and were outspoken advocates for freedom, democracy and equality.

Siennicki, Mikolaj

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Mikołaj Siennicki (ca. 1520-1581) was an outstanding politician and orator who played an instrumental role in the passage of Poland’s 1573 religious toleration law. Elected to almost every Diet (Sejm) during his lifetime he was elected Speaker of the House (Marszałek Sejmu) nine times, a record unsurpassed in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów).…

Siennicki, Mikolaj

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Mikolaj Siennicki (ca. 1520-1581) was an outstanding politician and orator who played an instrumental role in the passage of Poland’s 1573 religious toleration law. Elected to almost every Diet (Sejm) during his lifetime he was elected Speaker of the House (Marszalek Sejmu) nine times, a record unsurpassed in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodow).…